How To Set Goals For An Extraordinary 2018!!!
Everyone successful person has a ritual to set goals. Most people that are unsuccessful lack the discipline to set goals. They have no target that they are moving towards.
If you want an extraordinary 2018, you need to gain massive clarity on what you want. It has to be so compelling that get excited to go after it. It should create a drive for you that will make you wake up early and go to bed late.
When you set goals, you have to have a purpose for what you’re doing. If you want to spring into action, your purpose must fill you up to the point where you want to take action. This will help you have success towards your goals.
When you set goals or have a goal-setting session, you want to make sure that you follow the simple and effective process that was laid out in the video.
Success requires action, and that action must be pointed in the direction that you set your goals. If you want to Master Life By Design, know your target, purpose and have a plan. That’s how you will have great success in 2018.