“Words cannot express my gratitude for all the help, coaching, love & support I have received from Christina in the 2 years we have worked together. She is like my guru, mentor, cheer squad and sister all in one and I honestly do not know where I would be without her guidance. Christina became my coach during one of the most challenging times of my life when I did not know how to possibly turn things around in more-or-less all areas of my life, and I remember asking myself “What is the value in coaching? How is this really going to help me?” From the outside, it appeared that I was extremely successful and capable by anyone’s standards and yet on the inside, I was extremely frustrated and isolated, as I was completely incongruent with who I really wanted to be and also felt extremely masculine, having lost touch with my feminine core a long time ago. Over time, Christina helped me rediscover my feminine core as well as focusing on what I valued the most in an ideal relationship both with myself and with men, which gave me the courage to walk away from a negative relationship with a man I was most certainly not suited to and ultimately find the love of my life, who I am proud to say I share an amazing life with at present and could not be happier! We have had a lot of laughs together and what I love about Christina the most is that she keeps me accountable and challenges me in a really caring way, and will call me out when needed which I deeply value! Christina is the person I turn to the most on all manner of challenges and I could not be happier. I really am truly grateful to Christina for being such an amazing coach!” Larissa Catherine Rachel